Music Reviewer

Something Old, Something New..

Here we go with Something Old, Something New Album Review - Part 4. I know it's been a minute, but February was a pretty crazy month for me. No worries though, I'm back. This is the one I've been teasing for the last couple of entries. These albums are all about "vibes".

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Something Old, Something New Album Review

Welcome back for Something Old, Something New Album Review Ep 3. Generally I do these about once a month, and if you read to the end of the last one you may remember I said I was going to review a couple of albums that are heavy on vibes. Albums that are good for smoking cigars to...and other stuff. But that will have to wait. We're pivoting. I realized that it's the end of the year. Because of that I'm going to do a special album of the year post. Since it's something old and something new, I'm going to review my favorite album of 2020 and the year of my birth, 1981. First up, my favorite album of last year.

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Something Old, Something New Album Review. Ep2

Happy Holidays to the NGCS family! Hope you're all doing stuff you enjoy. Spending time with family, relaxing, enjoying some tunes and a cigar, maybe a couple drinks if that's your thing. Hopefully 2021 is a little better for all of us. Music is something that genuinely helps me through tough times. So if anyone has any suggestions, please share them with me in the forum or on my Instagram I'd love to hear them.

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