Justin Bower

Justin Bower

Cigars in Cinema

Cigars in Cinema Boondock Saints (1999)

This edition of cigars in cinema I decided to go with an all time favorite of mine. The Boondock Saints. Released in 1999, this movie has it all; acting, great cinematography, directing, score. It really is a great movie. Upon initial release it didn’t do great but it quickly picked up steam and is a favorite among many cinematic fans. With a cast of Norman Reedus, Sean Patrick Flannery, Willem Dafoe and Billy Connolly to name a few, this movie is filled with heavy hitters. This movie is about two Irish brothers who become vigilantes and start taking out Boston’s criminal underworld one by one, in the name of god. It is a great movie and my favorite thing about this movie is the acting. The two brothers have an amazing chemistry with each other. Almost to the point you want to be a part of the family yourself! I highly recommend this movie, if you have never seen it, pop a squat and enjoy! Seriously, I love this movie.

This article is called Cigars in Cinema. Sometimes it might be a movie that just randomly has a cigar in it, sometimes the cigar plays a big role in the movie. This case, in my opinion, the cigar plays a major role in the film. SPOILERS. Two brothers taking out baddies. That is what this movie is about. Willem Dafoe plays an amazing role of the FBI agent tracking them. Honestly the acting in this movie really just flows so incredible. The Mafia boss is getting frustrated with finding the brothers and so, he gets the baddest dude in prison released (played by Billy Connolly) to take out the brothers. On one of their jobs, they encounter Il Duce or The Duke (Billy Connolly), whom really gives them a run for their money. Equipped with a Romeo y Julieta No. 2 (thank you to El Presidente for identifying the cigar), the man with six guns takes vengeance out on the brothers. With the fierce look on his face, he smokes that Romeo while in a FIREFIGHT! That whole scene, starting with Willem Dafoe could be (in my opinion) one of the best scenes ever filmed! This is such a fun movie, grab your favorite stick and enjoy! It is currently available to stream on Amazon Prime!

1. Sir Billy Connolly was so stoked to be playing against type in the role of Il Duce, and having so much fun playing a psycho with guns strapped all over him, that they had to add the large cigar the character incessantly smokes because unless they stuck something in his mouth, he simply couldn’t stop smiling.
2. The maximum security prison in which Il Duce (Sir Billy Connolly) is being held is actually the old Suffolk County Jail in Boston, which is now a four star hotel.
3. The word “fuck” and its derivatives are used a total of 246 times.
4. Il Duce was originally named “Darkman”, which had to be changed as there is already a film franchise by that name.
5. During the famous “There Was a Fire Fight” scene, you can clearly see the earplugs Willem Dafoe’s character is wearing to protect himself from explosions and gunfire sounds.