Water up!! – Getting Fit With Jon K
One of the simplest changes you can make in your lifestyle efforts to lose weight is to drink more water and less sugary drinks such as Starbucks, pop, and fruit juices. Most people hate water because it’s “too boring”. If you struggle with getting in adequate water here are 5 tips and tricks you can use to help get hydrated:
1) Fill up a water bottle and have one at home, one in your car, and one at work. Being thirsty is often an initial sign of dehydration and having easy access to something to drink will cut down on spontaneously purchase of sugary drinks. This goes for all cigar smokers! Smoking cigars can cause itchy/scratchiness and parched throat. Consider water or flavored bubbly water to go alongside a cigar as opposed to a beer.
2) If taste is an issue, try buying a couple lemons and limes. Slice them thinly and put a couple slices in your water bottle. This will immediately give some flavor and also lemon can actually help a little bit with increasing your metabolism. You can also use frozen fruit of any variety to achieve the same effect!
3) If that’s not enough to help you out, and you’re not sensitive to artificial sweeteners, you can utilize water flavor additives such as Mio. Some people’s stomachs are sensitive to too much artificial sweetener and it is chemical in nature so moderation is key!
4) If fruit juice is your thing and you’re not able to cut it out, try diluting your juice with water to reduce the amount of sugar you are drinking. Aim for a 2:1 ratio of water : juice to start, then increase to 3:1 once you’ve adjusted. After a while, drinking regular juice will taste much too sweet for your palate, which is overall a good thing as fruit juice can in many instances be just as full of sugar as soda.